Continuing the Mission

April 22, 2021
  • Bob 查普曼
  • Bob 查普曼
    首席执行官 & Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller

As you have likely noticed, we’ve given the Barry-Wehmiller website and our Truly Human 领导 blog a refresh.

Barry-Wehmiller网站已经更新,以更清楚地反映推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜作为一个公司的使命和价值观. It also more directly connects our customers to our businesses’ websites, in the wide variety of industries in 哪一个 they operate.

真正的人类领导力博客已经更新,以反映领导力内容的多媒体中心,这是多年来发展起来的. Our podcast (now renamed “Truly Human 领导”), 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的视频, posts written by me and many other talented leaders, along with insights from 查普曼 & Co 领导 Institute are now curated in an easy-to-navigate format.

It’s been almost ten years since we started the Truly Human 领导 blog. 11月. 1, 2012, my first post was published.

题为 “Heeding My Call,” I described one of my many “revelations” on leadership. 这件事发生在我坐在教堂里听牧师埃德·萨尔蒙布道的时候.

我突然意识到,我也有一个会众——一个由推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜公司数千名团队成员组成的更大的会众. And while Rector Salmon had only one hour per week to reach his audience, we have our team members 40 hours each week …

Since that moment in the pew, we have had many experiences that embody that power. 这些经历让推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜明白,当推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜专注于为推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜所照顾的人创造一种充实的体验时——当推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜专注于确保推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的团队成员感到被授权时, 验证, cared for and integral to our shared vision — there is a ripple effect in their lives. 他们每天回到家,成为更好的配偶、父母、朋友、邻居和世界公民.

现在,我觉得有责任将这些领导理念传播给公司以外的人, 希望其他人能受到启发,将这种以人为本的领导观运用到自己的组织中.

这么多年过去了,让我继续分享这一信息的呼声比以往任何时候都强烈. 不幸的是,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜比以往任何时候都更需要“真正的人类领导力”这一信息.

Has the leadership crisis that I described in my 在我的ted演讲中 — given shortly before that first blog post — receded? 有许多希望的迹象和新的声音放大了要求推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜改变领导方式的呼声. But the turmoil of the past year during the pandemic may have exacerbated the crisis, or reopened wounds that were beginning to heal.

I recently read a series of articles about the state of workplace relationships by the consulting organization McKinsey & 这些公司现在就像我发表第一篇博客文章时一样令人震惊. 

In their studies, McKinsey found that:

56% of American workers claim that their boss is mildly or highly toxic.

75% of Americans say that their “boss is the most stressful part of their workday.”

It doesn’t seem like the needle has moved at all. If that many people see their leaders that negatively, we have much work to do.

Fortunately, 像麦肯锡这样的组织开始认识到并讨论推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜信息的许多核心部分. Namely, that the way we lead impacts the way people live. McKinsey writes:

说到员工的幸福感,老板和主管扮演的角色比人们想象的要大. Relationships with management are the top factor in employees’ job satisfaction, 这是决定员工整体幸福感的第二重要因素. 根据推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的分析,只有心理健康对整体生活满意度更重要. Unfortunately, 研究还表明,大多数人发现他们的经理远非理想……那些描述与管理层关系非常糟糕和非常糟糕的人报告的工作满意度远远低于那些与管理层关系非常好和相当好的人……

管理者在员工的工作场所幸福感方面扮演着至关重要的角色,这是理所当然的. 关于如何打造良好工作场所的大量文献强调了直线经理直接控制的两个方面:良好的工作组织, providing workers with the context, 指导, 工具, 自主性,以减少挫折,使他们的工作有意义,以及心理安全, 哪一个 is the absence of interpersonal fear as a driver of employee behavior. With burnout on the rise, and stress and anxiety a leading cause of ill health and absenteeism, the emotional health of workers becomes particularly important.

Last year, Dr. Casey Chosewood, 国家职业安全和健康研究所全体工人健康办公室主任, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was a guest on our podcast and talked about many of the things McKinsey points out in the above paragraphs. 他是第一个告诉推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,对你的健康来说,工作上的上司可能比你的家庭医生更重要.

所有这一切都是说,我正以比以往任何时候都更加认真和坚定的态度“听从多年前第一次接到的召唤”. 借此机会,我再次向大家重申推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的“真正的人类领导力”博客的新版本, dear readers, that we are working harder than ever to change the world as we know it. 在这个世界里,对商业领袖来说,关怀和财务头脑一样重要. Where profit is viewed through the lens of its impact on all stakeholders, not just the shareholders of a company.

To date, the Truly Human 领导 blog has more than 350 posts. By exploring these pages, 通过在Barry-Wehmiller的学习,以及推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜一路走来的许多朋友和盟友,你们将获得领导力方面的研究生教育.

We have a long way to go on this journey together. In some ways, it feels like we’re just getting started. But I know the world we imagine where people think of others first is in sight.

I’ll leave you with a little more from the McKinsey article:

改变一大批管理人员的行为似乎是一项艰巨的任务. 但麦肯锡关于改变组织文化的研究指出了所需的关键要素. 高层领导人可以通过清楚地阐明高工作满意度的巨大好处,在股东和社会价值方面创造一个阶段性的变化, 包括教育管理人员了解他们的关键角色,并将工作场所关系的质量纳入管理人员发展和绩效评估. 他们还可以通过采用仆人式领导,以同情和真正的好奇心接近组织中的每个人,从而成为关键的变革推动者.

They recommend four things leaders can put into practice to improve workplace happiness. I’ve paired each with blog posts from this site for your further study.

研究表明,当员工感受到领导的同情或善意时, they become more loyal to them. Loyalty, 反过来, feeds better performance at work.
“Care is the Cure”

Be thankful.
Thanking team members routinely, frequently, 慷慨而真诚地不花费任何成本,并建立一个积极的动力,每个人都想做得更好.
Podcast: Recognition and Celebration

Be positive.
Validating feelings, 保留判断和提供支持可以增强动机,增加个人的自主意识和自我能力, 哪一个, 反过来, is directly linked to greater happiness and well-being.
The Often Overlooked Influence on Workplace Optimism

Managers who prioritize their own self-care and well-being, including attention to diet, 锻炼, rest and sleep can better help others prioritize theirs.
wellbeing@work: The Power of the Pause

感谢您阅读“真正的人类领导力”博客,并在过去的近10年里一直关注推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. If you like what you see, subscribe and please share with your network using the handy social sharing buttons. 现在,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜比以往任何时候都更需要提高《推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您》的宣传力度!

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Heeding My Call
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Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your organization? 查普曼 & Co. 领导力研究所是Barry-Wehmiller的领导力咨询公司,与其他公司合作制定战略愿景, engage employees, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, assessments and workshops.

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